Free Video Cutter – Split MKV and MP4 with Avidemux on Mac Windows and Linux

Free Video Cutter – Split MKV and MP4 with Avidemux on Mac Windows and Linux

Free Video Cutter - Avidemux Icon

If you have ever read one of my articles on compressing video in Handbrake you will have seen me rant about cutting off a section of your source file, and encoding a 2-3 minute chunk too see how your settings look as opposed to waiting all night for the whole video to encode. I was asked recently how this can be done for free, as pretty much everything out there ultimately ends up asking you for money. Avidemux is a free open source tool that allows you to split and cut your MKV and MP4 video files, including 4K UHD. They have versions for Mac, Windows and Linux, and it works really well!

The latest stable releases can be downloaded on Github HERE. If you are looking for the latest version you can try the nightly builds from the Avidemux site HERE.

Once you have it downloaded your copy, open it up and you will see the main user interface window.

Continue reading “Free Video Cutter – Split MKV and MP4 with Avidemux on Mac Windows and Linux”

How To Find Frame Number In Video Movie File for FREE on Windows Mac and Linux

How To Find A Video Frame Number

From time to time you may find you need to know the frame numbers of individual frames in your videos and movies. This is especially useful if you are compressing and encoding video and want to be able to refer back to your source video and compare it to your encoded video. By picking a specific frame and knowing its number, you can view it from both versions side by side to see how it looks.

I recently stumbled upon DJV, a really useful and FREE program from Darby Johnston that amongst many other things, will allow you to see the frame numbers in videos. It has Windows, Mac and Linux versions, and can be downloaded free from the Darby Johnston Github Page HERE.

Once you have downloaded and installed DJV open it up, and you will see the main interface. Drag and Drop your video file onto DJV to load it.

DJV Main Interface Window

To show the frame numbers we need to click the “View Menu” and select “HUD”, which is short for Heads Up Display.

DJV Show Heads Up Display

Next, open the settings/preferences from the top right corner.

DJV Settings Selection

Then click and expand the “General” section, and in the “Time” option set the units to “Frames”

DJV Timecode to Frames

In the bottom left corner you will now see the frame numbers displayed.

DJV Frame Numbers

Free Social Media Profile and Banner Templates for Youtube Facebook Instagram Twitter

Social Media Featured Picture

To celebrate the New Year I have created some FREE social media templates you can download and customise for the BIG 4 popular platforms, Youtube, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. These templates are correct as of January 2021.

Continue reading “Free Social Media Profile and Banner Templates for Youtube Facebook Instagram Twitter”

How to fix a 2gb 4gb 8gb 16gb etc USB Flash Drive Key that only shows 200mb in size and space for FREE

USB Flash Drive KeyHave you ever had a large USB drive that only shows 200mb when you plug it into your Windows computer? Frustrating isn’t it!

Fix USB 1And what makes it worse is that nothing you try in the “Format” utility will change it – it always says 200mb in the capacity drop down.

Fix USB 3The reason this happens is that in some stage in the USB Drive’s life it has been plugged into a Mac, and it has done “Mac Things” to the drive. Thankfully, there is an easy way to fix it.

Continue reading “How to fix a 2gb 4gb 8gb 16gb etc USB Flash Drive Key that only shows 200mb in size and space for FREE”

How To Make Your Own Internet TV Show – Part 4 – Mixing Audio, Mics, and Avoiding Looping in Software

Mixing DeskPart 4 – Mixing Audio, Mics, and Avoiding Looping in Software

Mixing Audio into your Vidcast can be as easy as you want it to be, or as difficult as you want it to be. You will find the more you want to incorporate into your set up, that audio is always going to be the pebble in your shoe, especially if you are using multiple audio sources.

As a result, I will divide this tutorial into two parts, a Basic Beginners section for those just getting started, and an Advanced section for those using external mixers and audio sources.

Note to Pros – These articles are aimed at beginners, who wish to spend little or no money until they have a grasp on the topic, and are hoping to learn how to get started quickly and easily, using equipment they most likely already have.

Beginners Tutorial


Voicemeeter can be downloaded FREE HERE at Don’t forget to make a donation – the programmer deserves a little something for a program this good!


Advanced Tutorials

In this tutorial I show you how you can use a USB Mic and an external mixer together in Vidblaster. See the full article HERE.


This tutorial shows you how you can run your USB mic through your external mixing desk. View the full article HERE.



You can download a free unrestricted trial copy of Vidblaster from

Part 1 – Selecting Video Switcher Production Software – The Heart of Vidcasting – VIEW HERE
Part 2 – Installing Vidblaster, Connecting Your Webcam, Switching and Interface Basics – VIEW HERE Part 3 – Adding Additional Cameras – VIEW HERE
Part 4 – Mixing Audio, Mics, and Avoiding Looping in Software – VIEW HERE
Part 5 – Desktop and Browser Capture – VIEW HERE
Part 6 – Connecting Guests Via Skype – VIEW HERE
Part 7 – How To Make A Lower Third Overlay – VIEW HERE
Part 8 – Adding flair with Effects, Soundboards and Chat Streams – COMING SOON!
Part 9 – Green Screen/Chroma Keying and Virtual Sets with iClone – COMING SOON!
Part 10 – Recording and Streaming – COMING SOON!

Quick Easy and Free Batch Bulk File Rename on Mac with Name Changer

Name Changer IconI’ve just stumbled upon a GREAT and FREE file renaming app for Mac users called NameChanger.

Name Changer Main WindowAdd the files through the GUI or drag and drop files directly onto the App. These original filenames show up in the Original Filename column. See how the names will change as you type in the Renamed Filename column.

Next select how to change the file names:

  • Replace First Occurrence
  • Replace Last Occurrence
  • Replace All Occurrences
  • Wildcard
  • Append
  • Prepend
  • Date
  • Sequence
  • Character Removal
  • Regular Expression

As text is entered into the appropriate text fields the resulting filenames appear in the Renamed Filename column. As you type each row is updated to reflect the changes you will make.

Finally click the Rename button, and all your files will be renamed as displayed. You will be informed of any files that could not be modified.

Get your free copy at MRR Software HERE.