Mac Grab Sceen Capture Utility

Mac Grab Screen Capture Utility Icon

The amount of goodies tucked away in Mac OSX never ceases to amaze me. There have been so many times I need a app, only to find the good folks in Cupertino have already included what I need as a standard utility. Grab is one of those apps. It is a simple and very good screen capture utility. It can capture a selection, a window, or your entire screen, and even has a ten second automatic screen capture timer if you need to set something up before your capture. The default capture format is TIFF, which is great for capture quality, but can get a little annoying if you need to capture a lot of things and convert to JPG for web. I noticed last time I was playing around in “Tinker Tool” (A free program to unlock hidden features in OSX) that it will allow you to change the format of the captured image, but when I set it to JPG, it still saved as TIFF for me.

So there you have it, a really cool and very useful utility that you probably didn’t even know you had! There’s heaps of cool stuff in that Utilities folder so open your Applications folder, then Utilities, and take a look around!

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