ADSL Line Parameters

ADSL Line ModeI learned this week that “Automatic” often means “Crap” in the world of network auto negotiations – I have a new internet connection, and when I allow my modem to auto-negotiate a connection, it gets “taken for a fool” by my ISP. I guess the ISP want’s to stop me from using all of the bandwidth I pay for, so they “encourage” customers modems to auto negotiate a slower connection. Upon digging into my ADSL 2+ modems settings, I found that under the “Line Mode” option in the ADSL Parameters menu, I could FORCE my modem to negotiate the ADSL2+ connection I am paying for, instead of the slower standard generic ADSL profile my ISP sneakily seems to want the device to auto negotiate.

If your connection seems to be slow, check your ADSL Parameter settings and make sure your line mode is equivalent to the ADSL plan you are paying for.

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